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How to choose a mala ?

To choose your perfect mala you have first to define your specific need. Then the purpose of your mala will be clear and your search will be oriented to a specific energetic propriety or meaning.

Every mala necklace hold special significance depending on the stones nature, and the energy resonance with the beads. 

Many criteria can help you choose your ideal mala. Here are the most significant of them: 


Reflecting on your intention, you can specify your spiritual or life goals. When your goal is clear then you can choose your mantra.

Contemplate on your mantra and try to choose the matching mala whose beads offers you the adequate empowering or healing energies.

 Aesthetic and style:

The beauty of a mala shining in its arrangement, its color or its stones can be an important argument to make you choose a specific mala.

Especially for someone who is not seeking a spiritual experience, wearing a beautiful necklace can be an emotional or a mental satisfaction and bring positive energies and joy.


Beads Color:

The colors affect our both emotional and mental state in different ways. Everyone of us reacts differently to the energetic proprieties of the gemstones.

As every color represents specific characteristics, your can chose your desired effect: 

Red mala beads: warming, energizing, stimulating, and strengthening.

Orange mala beads: attraction, abundance, and enjoyment.

Yellow mala beads: awakening, energizing, cheerfulness, confidence, and vitality.

Green mala beads: balancing, harmonizing, soothing, rejuvenating, cleansing and calming.

Blue mala beads: cooling, tranquility, patience, sincerity, devotion, and understanding.

Purple mala beads: transformation, detoxification, meditation, inspiration, compassion, and contemplation.

White mala beads: harmony, perfection, consciousness, divination, cleanliness and simplicity.

Black mala beads: protection, seriousness, mystery, transformation and secrecy. 


In the hindu tradition, chakras are considered as seven energy centers between them flows the vital energy of our body. The gemstones and crystal can balance, harmonize and unblock these chakras.

To every chakra is associated a stone, a color and an energetic propriety. Here you can choose one or many chakras corresponding to your mala purpose: 

Root Chakra (Muladhara) qualities are expressed as groundedness, stability, mental and physical health and prosperity.

Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana) qualities are expressed as sensuality, sexuality, contentment, and creativity.

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) qualities are expressed as willpower, dynamic action, self-esteem, ambition, and confidence.

Heart Chakra (Anahata) qualities are expressed as love for oneself and others, kindness, compassion, open-heartedness.

Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) qualities are expressed as open communication, expression, and truth.

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) qualities are expressed as strong levels of intellect, intention, and intuition.

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) qualities are expressed as connection with the divine, ability to perceive, analyze and assimilate information, open-mindedness, wisdom, and self-mastery.


Astrological signs are throughout history associated to one or more gemstones which enhance the personal qualities of each zodiac.

Here are some of the zodiac gemstones: 

Aquarius: Onyx

Pisces: Aquamarine

Aries: Moonstone

Taurus: Smoky Quartz

Gemini: Garnet

Cancer: Malachite

Leo: Larimar

Virgo: Citrine

Libra: Azurite

Scorpio: Amethyst

Sagittarius: Turquoise

Capricorn: Rose Quartz


To each of the twelve months is associated a gemstone or crystal. These so called birthstones can give you positive energy and protect your energy field.

Here you can find some of the birthstones even if some of them aren’t appropriate for malas.

January: Garnet

February: Amethyst

March: Aquamarine, Bloodstone

April: Diamond

May: Emerald

June: Pearl, Alexandrite, Moonstone

July: Ruby

August: Peridot, Sardonyx, Spinel

September: Sapphire

October: Tourmaline, Opal

November: Citrine, Topaz

December: Zircon, Tanzanite, Turquoise


Hence the mala is a sacred object, be gentle to it and treat it with respect. Keep it close throughout the day. it will help you to stay calm and positive, and to remember your intentions every time you touch it.



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